Eye of the beholder meaning
Eye of the beholder meaning

eye of the beholder meaning

It is something you can learn to do, condition yourself to choose what is good for you. It only means that there is a shift of your focus towards the things that bring you peace and joy. We don’t choose what we feel but we choose which emotion we are going to nourishĬhoosing to be happy doesn’t mean you’ll never be sad or angry again.

eye of the beholder meaning

Your right to choose which feeling you are going to focus on is where the key to your happiness lies. Sometimes you even go through opposed feelings at the same time, and it is okay, but it is a matter of choice which of those emotions will prevail and set the tone of your days. You have the right to feel whatever it is that you feel. We are humans and were made to feel, and there are no inappropriate feelings.ĭisregard how you were conditioned to perceive your emotions as good or bad, appropriate and inappropriate, acceptable or not.

Eye of the beholder meaning full#

It is perfectly healthy to go through the full range of emotions: anger, sadness, despair, anxiety, joy, sorrow, love, hate, jealousy etc. Today I choose Joy Copyright: Melissa King You will save your strength and have a chance at enjoying the ride. If on the other hand you choose to accept things for what they are making peace with them, you let go of tension and struggle, you save your energy and have a chance to focus your power towards solving the situation, or at least swimming easily downstream letting life run its course and all you have to do is float and maneuver in the current.

eye of the beholder meaning

And you might even drown once you are at the end of your strength. It is like swimming upstream: you will waste all your energy just staying put and floating in the same place. Resisting things that come your way take away your strength, leaving you with less power to face the music and deal with things. This also means giving up control over your happiness to outside forces. If you choose resistance you will trigger a wide range of emotions like: helplessness, anger, frustration, sadness that in turn create a downward spiral of similar feelings which, in the event that you are facing circumstances you can’t change, threaten to become a permanent emotional state. No matter what happens around you, you always have a choice: to accept it or resist it. It is all about perception – you can buy a bigger house, the one you always wanted but still focus on feeling sad for selling the old one which holds so many dear memories. Or as a time to be more with your kids, rest or learn something new for some next job that comes along. Or you can see this as an opportunity to finally pursue your dreams and do things you really feel passionate about, something that will fill your heart and give you a purpose. Let’s say you lose your job: you can choose to be desperate, angry and frustrated or try and shift your perspective and start seeing things from another angle: maybe you didn’t like that job to start with but you were not enough of a risk-taker to quit. Happiness starts with your perception of things Unless they change their perspective and see the camels and fishing tools as something exotic they would never in a lifetime be able to see if it weren’t for poorly addressed shipments. If we were to send camels to the Eskimo and fishing tool to the Bedouin, beside the poor camels dying in the cold and the Bedouin not being able to catch anything in the sand with the fishing gear, they would both probably be quite miserable. An Eskimo needs fishing as a tool to survive and the Bedouin needs camels. If we compare an Eskimo and a Bedouin we will see that their perspective on happiness is quite different and a big part of that has to do with nature itself. But there is also a big tint to our perspective that is not socially imposed but is a result of natural circumstances.

Eye of the beholder meaning